Featured Faculty Publications

Featured Faculty Publications

These representative examples of books by Department of Linguistics faculty members reflect the broad scope of scholarly inquiry that our curriculum inspires.

Santiago Barreda and Noah Silbert - Bayesian Multilevel Models for Repeated Measures Data: A Conceptual and Practical Introduction in R

This comprehensive book is an introduction to multilevel Bayesian models in R using brms and the Stan programming language. Featuring a series of fully worked analyses of repeated measures data, the focus is placed on active learning through the analyses of the progressively more complicated models presented throughout the book.

Robert Bayley, Dennis R. Preston, and Xiaoshi Li, eds.: Variation in Second and Heritage Languages: Crosslinguistic perspectives

Variationist work in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) began in the mid 1970s and steadily progressed during the 1980s. Much of it was reviewed along with newer approaches in Bayley and Preston 1996 (B&P), heavily devoted to VARBRUL analyses that exposed the variability in developing interlanguages and placed variationist work within the canon of SLA. This new volume features three developing trends.

Eric Louis Russell - Alpha Masculinity: Hegemony in Language and Discourse

In a new book, French professor and linguistics graduate faculty member Eric Louis Russell shows that neo-positive masculinity combines elements of dominance, normativity, and androcentrism. This book examines the linguistic and discursive mechanisms that realize the mythological American Alpha Male. Providing an in-depth dissection of corpora from an online sociocommercial community, a pop-psychology guru, and fictional gay erotica, it unravels the ways language, gender, and hegemony play out in this ideological figure of neopositive, essentialist masculinity.

Luna Filipović - Bilingualism in Action: Theory and Practice

Bilingual language behaviour is driven by numerous factors that are usually studied in isolation, even though individual factors never operate alone. Bringing together key insights from psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, Luna Filipović presents a new model of bilingual language processing that captures bilingualism within and across minds. The model enables readers to explain traditional puzzles in the field, and accounts for some apparently contradictory reports in different studies.

Vaidehi Ramanathan: Bodies and Language: Health, Ailments, Disabilities

The role of language in our collective construction of ‘normal’ bodies is explored critically in this book. Addressing a range of concerns linked with visible and invisible, chronic and terminal conditions, the volume probes issues in and around patient and caregiver accounts.

Julia Menard-Warwick: English Language Teachers on the Discursive Faultlines: Identities, Ideologies and Pedagogies

This book by Professor Julia Menard-Warwick brings the voices of teachers into the fierce debates about language ideologies and cultural pedagogies in English language teaching. Through interviews and classroom observations in Chile and California, this study compares the controversies around English as a global language with the similar cultural tensions in programs for immigrants.