Nancy Webb Scholarship

The Nancy M. Webb Scholarship provides substantial financial support for graduate study.


stacks of open books
Recipients are chosen each year from among the eligible students who submit applications.
This endowed scholarship was created specifically for UC Davis linguistics graduate students, in memory of Nancy Webb, a linguist in the UC Davis Department of Anthropology in the early 1970s. She was an assistant professor who died of cancer at a young age. Her husband endowed this fund in her memory. All students who submit the standard fellowship application through the Office of Graduate Studies by the January 15 deadline are automatically considered for this award, which is presented annually.
Additional contributions to the fund are welcome at any time. To obtain more information, please contact:
  •  Award Recipients
  • The 2016 recipient of this award is Ph.D. student Anne Barbarika.

    Previous awardees

    2010: Brandon Loudermilk

    2009: Laurie Lawyer

    2008: Duane Leonard

    2007: Lisa Bonnici

    2006: Cory Messing

    2005: Tony Hoang

    2004: Tiina Hukari

    2003: Courtney Jacks

    2002: Molly Ringle